Training & Education
Training and Education is at the core of what we do, both for our own employees and those of our customers. To fulfil our corporate ambitions, we believe that we must have the best product specialists in the market. To achieve this goal, we invest in our people. We provide each of our product specialists with a minimum of 12 training days per annum. Considering ever-changing technology within the community care and rehabilitation markets we constantly challenge ourselves to stay current and up to date with best-practice procedures and technologies.
On a continuous basis our team of product specialists provide training to Occupational Therapists, Public Health Nurses and Physiotherapists. Our training courses and demonstrations typically accrue AOTI CPD Accreditations for attendees.
Sample training courses include Wheelchair Setup & Configuration, Power Chair Setup & Configuration, Seating Pressure Care, Beds & Mattresses, Passive Active Rehabilitation Equipment, Care Cots, etc. From time-to-time we invite distributors and globally recognised industry experts to provide training for therapists in a variety of product areas. Get in touch to find out more at