In this post we are going to look at the top 6 Key Benefits of Riser Recliners.
The ranking of the benefits may strike a chord with some readers and others may feel that the ranking does not represent their specific requirements. That aside, the 6 Key Benefits pretty much capture why you should have a Riser Recliner in your home.
Before we continue, here is good definition of a Riser Recliner - A Riser Recliner is an electrically operated chair for those who may be beginning to find it challenging to get in and out of a regular chair. Riser Recliners offer comfortable and safe support to help users stand up from a sitting position more easily.
The Key Benefits of Riser Recliners can be split into two sections:
1. Riser Recliners reduce the risk of falls and strains
2. Riser Recliners improve blood flow to legs and feet
3. Riser Recliners promote good posture and reduce back pain
4. Riser Recliners provide comfort and respite
General lifestyle
5. Riser Recliners are an invaluable mobility aid
6. Riser Recliners make every day activities so much easier
As you can see from the list above, the Riser Recliner is more than a fancy armchair; it provides a range of physiological and psychological benefits. A Riser Recliner will help alleviate a range of medical conditions and with that comes the physical relief, and an important bonus is the mental relief, knowing that you are in a better place. It can’t be stressed how important this is - a healthy mind in a healthy body.
From a preventative point of view, Riser Recliners provide excellent therapeutic benefits. There are many scenarios for falls prevention, far too many to list here but chief among them is the unsteadiness experienced after sitting for a long period and then trying to stand. The Riser Recliner gently and quietly raises you to an almost standing position and you then move to a standing position when you feel you are ready. For many users, their first time experiencing this benefit is one of joy and relief. No more struggle or hardship in getting to one’s feet.
For those of you that may have circulatory issues, the Riser Recliner enables you to change your seating position so that you improve blood flow to your legs and feet. This is an important consideration and we always recommend that you talk to an Occupational therapist for advice, especially if you suffer from swollen and painful ankles and feet or aching legs.
It's an undisputed fact that sitting and standing with proper alignment improves blood flow, helps keep your nerves and blood vessels healthy, and supports your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The Riser Recliner promotes good posture and you can change the alignment of the back rest cushions to suit your specific requirements. Again, we recommend you talk to an Occupational Therapist as they will measure the Riser Recliner and provide you with the exact specifications for cushions which can be padded to be softer or firmer according to your exact needs.
A Riser Recliner will help to alleviate many physical ailments. The bottom line is that there is comfort and respite to be found in having a Riser Recliner in your home. Not only does the chair improve your physical wellbeing but it provides a small oasis of comfort.
If mobility issues are present, then the Riser Recliner is a suitable option. A case example serves to illustrate this point. A customer with lower back issues was using a walking frame downstairs and a stairlift to get upstairs where he had another walking frame. He was managing ok bar the challenge of sitting in his favourite armchair. Over the years, the chair had lost is firmness and support - it was now uncomfortable and was painful getting into it and out of it. He engaged with an Occupational Therapist who recommended a Riser Recliner - in this instance, it was the Joyce Riser Recliner. The net result was a marked reduction in lower back pain and the customer found that their overall mobility improved.
This leads to the last point. The time it used to take to get to a standing position was still the same but there was no significant pain and discomfort. Being able to tend to everyday activities became easier and especially with family and guests visiting, his quality of life definitely improved.
After reading this and if you’re still undecided or you want to see the Joyce Riser Recliner in your sitting room, why not get in touch with us and arrange a free no-obligation IN-HOME seating assessment. Just call 0818 989 353.