Your OT may have recommended a specialist chair, in this instance a riser recliner, or you may have seen one in a friend’s house.
You probably have your favourite chair, and it probably provides some level of support, but you should consider the following three questions:
1. Do you find it difficult to sit down or get up?
2. Do you need extra support?
3. Do you sit in the same chair for long periods?
With those questions in mind, a riser recliner is good in two ways:
1. The rising action helps you sit down and stand up.
2. The reclining action can make you more comfortable, especially if you are sitting down for a lot of the day.
This can help with some medical problems. If it’s difficult to sit down and stand up, you may need someone to help you all day (or you may end up in the same chair all day). Or if you can’t get comfortable, you may end up staying in bed. A riser recliner will help you to achieve a level of comfort and most importantly, remain independent in your own home.
Riser Recliner chairs are a fantastic product to enhance not only your lifestyle, but also your wellbeing. As well as providing great comfort, Riser Recliners assist in alleviating many symptoms from a range of common health problems and can also help with circulatory problems like pain, breathlessness, and stiff joints.
To get the best out of your chair, you should use the functions (recline or raise facility) when you need them the most. On good days you may be more capable of sitting and standing from your chair in a more usual manner.
Do this whenever you can as it will help you retain strong muscles and bones. On bad days however, let the chair assist you to keep active and reduce any painful symptoms you experience.
Here are the two main functions of the Riser Recliner: Rising and Reclining
All riser recliners work on the same basic principle - you press a button on a hand control and the seat and arms (usually the whole chair) slowly raises you up so you can stand. Sitting down goes the other way - you position yourself on the raised seat and press a button and the seat goes down slowly. You should still keep your hands on the arm rests. Usually, the seat tips forward as well as going up, to help you get out. For some people, who have weak legs or difficulty controlling their legs, this makes things harder, or just a bit scary.
Reclining chairs are good because they let you get your feet up and lie back for a rest. You can also get yourself comfortable in different positions for different things (reading, watching TV, etc). If you are sitting down for long periods of time, a recliner is also useful because you can easily keep changing your position, which stops you from getting uncomfortable and sore. For some medical problems affecting the legs, it helps to be able to lift your legs up when sitting.
If you have any questions about Riser Recliners in general, please consult with your Occupational Therapist or call us on 0818 959 353 where one of our team will help you.
Thanks to the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers for their research on Riser Recliners.
For the month of April only, we have a limited supply of the excellent and great value Star Riser Recliner. For only €699, it's the best value Riser Recliner in Ireland. Click here to buy.